EU-utslipp, FuelEU og cybersikkerhet: Hva norske rederier trenger å vite nå
Velkommen til første utgave av nyhetsbrevet som er rettet mot DNV sine kunder i maritim næring i Norge. Jeg overtok ansvaret for våre 12 maritime kontorer langs kysten i juni i år. Vi ønsker å være til stede der dere er, og nedenfor finner dere kontaktpersoner for de ulike områdene.
Hvorfor dette kvartalsvise nyhetsbrevet? Jo, vi ser at konstante operasjonelle krav og stadig utviklende regelverk gjør at det kan være utfordrende å holde seg oppdatert på bransjespesifikke endringer. Vi tror det er avgjørende å ha en pålitelig informasjonskilde skreddersydd til norsk maritim næring. Så dette nyhetsbrevet er til og for deg.
Tiden vi er i er preget av rask og betydelig utvikling i bransjen. Fra voksende reguleringer til teknologiske fremskritt. Målet med dette nyhetsbrevet er å holde deg informert om viktige oppdateringer som gjelder i norsk maritim sektor.
I denne utgaven vil dere få innsikt i:
- Utvidelse av EU-krav til utslippsovervåking
- Fremskritt i effektiviteten til offshore boring
- Strategier i compliance for overholdelse av maritime drivstoffreguleringer
- Oppdatering på maritim cybersikkerhet
- Kvalifisering av nye maritime teknologier
Vi håper du har nytte av dette, og ønsker dine tilbakemeldinger og forslag til fremtidige utgaver, så du får mest mulig informasjon du trenger. Vennligst del din feedback her. Vi ser frem til å høre fra deg og være en pålitelig informasjonskilde og samarbeidspartner fremover!
Editors pick - Your monthly DNV reads
DNV on - EU MRV extended to offshore and general cargo ships from 400 GT
Norwegian companies should be aware of introduction of EU MRV regulations affecting offshore and general cargo vessels from 400 GT. Starting 2025, you'll need to report CO2, CH4 (methane), and N2O (nitrous oxide /“lystgass”) emissions for voyages to EEA (EØS) ports. To prepare, create a Monitoring Plan and set up digital reporting systems. Focus on accurate data collection, as this information may impact EU ETS (taxation system) participation from 2027. Use 2024 to establish solid processes. DNV advises early preparation and submission of verified reports to avoid last-minute complications. Do not hesitate in contacting us should you need any assistance with EU MRV. Proper compliance is key to avoiding potential financial consequences.
Check out the full story (11 min read)
DNV on - Successful emissions reduction
Recent efforts in the maritime industry show promising ways for special vessels to cut emissions and fuel costs. Key strategies include training crew on energy-saving practices, using smart meters to monitor fuel use, and upgrading to more efficient equipment like variable frequency drives for pumps. These methods have helped some operators reduce emissions by up to 17%. For lean operated businesses, such improvements could mean significant savings and a reduced environmental footprint. Energy efficiency studies are carried out by DNV’s class independent Maritime Advisory experts, reach out if you would like to explore this for your company.
Check out the full story (7 min read)
DNV on - FuelEU Maritime compliance
The EU's FuelEU Maritime regulation, starting January 2025, aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from passenger and cargo vessels above 5000GT While currently targeting larger vessels, it may affect smaller tonnage in the future. Key points include a shift towards greener fuels, potential fuel price increases, and the importance of accurate fuel usage monitoring. It is important to stay informed regarding these changes, as similar regulations might expand to cover other vessel segments and sizes. Preparing for stricter environmental rules could involve exploring alternative fuels and improving energy efficiency measures..
Check out the full podcast (15 min listen)
DNV on - Cyber security: Navigating IACS UR
New maritime cyber security regulations are coming into effect, initially targeting larger vessels but potentially affecting smaller boats in the future. Key points include the need for cyber risk assessments, crew training, and implementing security measures for onboard systems. While current rules focus on vessels over 5000 GT, the industry trend is towards increased cyber security for all maritime operations. Voluntary cyber security measures to protect operations should be considered, as incidents can lead to safety risks and financial losses. Preparing now by improving crew awareness and reviewing onboard technology could help meet future regulations and enhance overall security.
Check out the full webinar (49 min video).
DNV on - Facilitating maritime innovation
Technology Qualification (TQ) is accelerating maritime innovation by providing a systematic process to validate novel technologies that fall outside existing regulations. This approach reduces uncertainties, costs, and time to market for new concepts that enhance safety and drive decarbonization. By identifying potential issues early in development, it facilitates the adoption of innovative technologies across the maritime industry. As the sector evolves, this method of qualifying new technologies is becoming crucial for advancing efficiency, safety, and environmental performance in shipping.
Check out the full story (8 min read)
- From crisis to opportunity – shipping in the disruptive era. Read more
- Getting ready for net zero by maximizing energy efficiency. Read more
- The commercial implications of the EU MRV, EU ETS, FuelEU regulations. Read more
Cyber Maturity Assessment
How well equipped is your business against cyber attacks?
- CIC on crew wages and seafarer employment agreements starts 1 September
- FuelEU Maritime monitoring plan due by 31 August
- EU MRV extended to ships from 400 GT from 1 January 2025
- New IMO guidance on managing challenging ballast water quality
- Updated DNV class rules published, effective 1 January 2025
Why it matters: These updates significantly impact small ship owners' operations and compliance requirements. The CIC focuses on crew welfare, while FuelEU and EU MRV changes affect environmental reporting. Staying ahead of these regulations ensures smooth operations and avoids potential penalties. Early preparation for the 2025 changes will be crucial for long-term compliance and operational efficiency. Read more about regulatory changes.
Maritime Forecast to 2050: New Edition
Get ahead with early access to maritime forecast to 2050.
EVENT | Nor-Fishing 2024
Trondheim, 20 – 22 August 2024
Missed Nor-Fishing 2024? Catch up on the key moments from this international fishing industry event.
EVENT | Maritime uke
Haugesund, 23 – 27 September 2024
Annual event highlighting advancements in the maritime industry, focusing on maritime safety and recreational boating.
SEMINAR | DNV Fagseminar
Ulsteinvik, 20 november 2024
Theme for the seminar: Sustainable operation, cyber security, regulatory changes.
SEMINAR | DNV Fagseminar
Trondheim, 28 november 2024
Theme for the seminar: Sustainable operation, cyber security, regulatory changes.
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Heidi Emanuelsen
Area manager Norway
Arne Solevåg
Head of section Northwest, Mid & North
Kjetil Østbø
Head of section South/SouthWest
Håkon Moen
Account Manager
Christine Adal
Business Development Manager
Customer service centre DNV Maritime CSC North Europe
Olav Golten
Head of section West & East
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DNV is an independent assurance and risk management provider, operating in more than 100 countries, with the purpose of safeguarding life, property, and the environment. As a trusted voice for many of the world’s most successful organizations, we help seize opportunities and tackle the risks arising from global transformations. We use our broad experience and deep expertise to advance safety and sustainable performance, set industry standards, and inspire and invent solutions.
DNV AS, Veritasveien 1, 1363 Høvik, Norway